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Perfectissimus: The Carthusian Order in England, c. 1178-c.1220, Doctoral Thesis of Philosophy, Durham, Durham University: Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Department of History), 2017, 297 p.

[Green 2017]
The English charterhouses after the Reformation, in: Jürg Ganz & Margrit Früh (eds.), Das Erbe der Kartäuser. Akten des III. Internationalen Kartäuserkongresses in der Kartause Ittingen vom 1.-5. Dezember 1999, Salzburg, 2000, 53-68, ill. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 160)
[Hogg 2000b]

Henry VIII and the English charterhouses. The end of the Provincia Angliae, in: Alain Girard & Daniel Le Blévec (eds.), Crises et temps de rupture en Chartreuse (XIVe-XXe siècles). Actes du Colloque international d'histoire et de spiritualité cartusiennes (Chartreuse de Glandier, 15-18 septembre 1994), [Pont-Saint-Esprit], 1994, 49-56 (= Analecta Cartusiana. Nouvelle série, 6:11-12)
[Hogg 1994]
Le certose inglesi, in: Certose e certosini in Europa. Atti del convegno alla Certosa di San Lorenzo Padula, 22, 23, 24 settembre 1988, dl. 2, Napoli, 1990, 375-396
[Hogg 1990e]
The Carthusians in England, in: Bernard Bligny & Gérald Chaix (eds.), La naissance des chartreuses. Colloque organisé par l'Association pour la célébration du IXe centenaire de la fondation de la Grande-Chartreuse (12-15 septembre 1984), Grenoble , 1986, 345-356
[Cowdrey 1986]
Appendix ad tom. II Propaginis S.O. Cartusiensis [de provinciis Burgundiae, Franciae, Picardiae, Teutoniae et Angliae] (British Library London Add. Ms. 17089), 2 dln., Salzburg, 1983 [fotografische reproductie: in Cartusia Dantiscana, 1755], 397 (doorlopend) p., ill. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 90:6)
[Schwengel 1983b]
Propago Sacri Ordinis Cartusiensis [per Franciam. Pars II]: De provinciis Burgundiae, Franciae, Picardiae. [Item de provinciis] Teutoniae et Angliae (British Library London Add. Ms. 17085), Salzburg, 1981 [fotografische reproductie: in Cartusia Dantiscana, 1750], (2)-276 p., ill. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 90:2)
[Schwengel 1981a]
Studies in Carthusian history in later medieval England. With special reference to the Order's relations with secular society, A dissertation submitted for the Degree of D. Phil., York, University of York: Department of History, 1981, (2)-XII-581 p.

[Rowntree 1981]
The Carthusian Order in England, London, 1930, X-550 p. (= Publications of the Church historical society, 3)
[Thompson 1930]
The English Carthusians, in: Peter Guilday, The English colleges and convents in the catholic Low Countries 1558-1795, London, 1914, 41-55 (= The English catholic refugees on the Continent 1558-1795 , 1)
[Guilday 1914]

The London Charterhouse: its monks and martyrs. With a short account of the English Carthusians after the dissolution, London, 1889, XV-390-32 p., 7 ill.

[Hendriks 1889]